2016 Camp-O-Ree in Linden

16 Northbrook Royal Ambassadors and 12 adults joined the Great Camping, Missions, Adventure and Fun Trip in Linden TN October 15 & 16th 2016. All 16 boys entered the Bible Drill Contest, the Knot Tying Contest & the Mission Hall Convention. They had fun doing other activities like fire starting, Survival of the Fittest, Archery, Marksmanship, Log Saw, Log pull, Crafts, Night Hike, Waterfall Hike, Cooking on the fire, Hatchet Throw etc. For the first time the Northbrook Chapter won Honor Lad Chapter.

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There are many achievement patches the RAs can earn. Some are for camping, crafts, missions, bible study and helping others. The first patch earned is the RA Pledge patch. RAs are committed to living out the RA Pledge. This Pledge is part of personal and chapter (group of RAs) accountability. This Northbrook RA Chapter has meet continuously since 1996.

Meetings are designed so they can become excited about their life-time mission as an Ambassador for Christ. We always take a spring and fall outdoors trip; camping, hiking, & swimming. RAs build crafts learning skills using their hands and hand tools every year. Some years we make RA racers.